🍁 BC, AB, NL, ON adoptions, blended families and children with VHL (from Blog, Dec.11/21)
Adopted as a baby, she has since met many birth-family members and is now the only surviving female in this family to have VHL. She has a tattoo that honours the female birth-family members who have passed.
Adopted, he has recently met with his birth-family for the first time and will be travelling back this summer, with his son, to meet more family.
Blended then remarried…
This mom and her husband had a son (now 12) born with VHL, stepson (3) and stepdaughter (26) who also has VHL. Unfortunately, the husband passed away recently due to VHL problems. Although she has since remarried, she has kept her previous married last name (which matches the children’s last name).
Mothers and children with VHL…
“not the way we want to hear it but I knew that my daughters had it when they were young and it made me feel better knowing what they had to do and what they were going to go through...”
“Had to educate myself at a young age...was told it was genetic... I believe we have many opportunities my mom and grandma didn't have…”
Please send us a ‘thumbs-up’, feedback or story. Thanks, Henry

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